Uniquely You

Why are we afraid of being ourselves? Why are we terrified of vulnerability? Why do we hide those parts of us that ultimately get exposed every time we are triggered by another person? We can’t hide – we are always found out. We tell the world exactly who we are by our reaction to every … More Uniquely You

Life After Fit

“Gym is Life” – No, no it’s not. Life is what happens when you are planning for something else. Life is making the most of the opportunities in front of you – and that doesn’t always mean your body fat percentage. It doesn’t mean blasting out reps in front of a mirror to show people … More Life After Fit

Time is a Thief

July 11, 2012 Simon, a 10 year old Chocolate Lab came into our lives. His mom, Andi, had sent out a cry for help as her ex-husband was going to take their 10 year old Lab to the Humane Society. I responded to that cry and Simon joined our family. Andi brought him by, kissed … More Time is a Thief