Uniquely You

Why are we afraid of being ourselves? Why are we terrified of vulnerability? Why do we hide those parts of us that ultimately get exposed every time we are triggered by another person? We can’t hide – we are always found out. We tell the world exactly who we are by our reaction to every situation we encounter.

Do you pride yourself on being reserved? That person who is free-spirited will be your mirror. Do you pride yourself on not showing emotion? That person who is with a victim mentality will be your reflection. Do you pride yourself on restraining your anger? That person who expresses their distain will be your trigger. Do you pride yourself on not being a burden? Then that person who asks for what they need will be your magnifying glass. All of the areas that we take pride in ourselves, that we refrain from showing the world, are exposed by the things in others that we can’t stand or tolerate.

I know what you’re thinking, “yeah, but some people are just rude” or “people shouldn’t be so dramatic.” The truth is, nothing in this world is about other people, it is always about ourselves. This journey that we are on is not about other people, it is about exposing ourselves. It is about finding our true reason why we are here in the first place, why we chose to be here at this time in history. And yes, you chose to be here, you chose your time and you chose your life. You chose your parents and you chose your mission for coming here. Did you choose to have everything happen the way it did? No. Did you choose to be abused, neglected and abandoned? No. Unfortunately, free will is a bitch. Sadly, those people in your life also had free will and made selfish and disastrous decisions that put you in harms way. But now have the opportunity to find YOU, the real you, the consciousness that is always calling for you to grow in your giftings. The consciousness that knows your full potential and is whispering to face yourself and grow in ways that you couldn’t even imagine are possible .

You are unlimited, you are expansive and you have giftings that the world needs. Use the mirror of your triggers to start asking “why.” “Why am I triggered?” and “What am I trying so hard to control that this person is exposing in me?” Then you realize that you have complete control of your own life, choices and reactions. You now can grow and find the true you that has been hiding behind all of your safeguards from this world. The person you became to adapt to the stress and abuse is not the person who can take this next step with you. Release that version of you. Thank that version for everything they have done to get you here today, release them to finally find rest and take on the amazing journey to discover this version to becoming unapologetically, authentically YOU.

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